Scorpio! Scorpio! Scor-pi-OOOOO!

Scorpio! Scorpio! Scor-pi-OOOOO!

Sound Devices has just announced the Scorpio, a 32 channel, 36 track portable time code mixer-recorder with 16 mic/line preamplifiers, 32 channels of Dante in and out, AES in and out, 12 analog outputs, and multiple headphone outputs. 

The Scorpio can record to an internal SSD drive and two SD cards, can be controlled via Bluetooth with the new SD-REMOTE app, has bus routing, and works with the Sound Devices SL-6 with the addition of the SL-6 Riser. It is not compatible with the CL-12, but will work with the Icon Platform M+ Control Surface.

We've got a summary video and more details below, but if you're sold already, it retails for $8,995 and is expected to be available second quarter 2019. Initial supply may be limited and orders will be delivered strictly first-come, first-served, so place your $500 nonrefundable pre-order now to get yours as soon as possible. It's available both as a stand-alone item or in a convenient bundle:

The Scorpio features Sound Devices’ latest and best in analog microphone preamplifier design with the smoothest sound and lowest noise of any preamp in the company’s 20-year history. The unit includes built-in analog limiters, high pass filters, delay, 3-band EQ, and phantom power.

A fully-customizable routing matrix enables sound professionals to send any input to any channel, bus, or output. Up to 12 buses may be individually mixed. Due to its compact form factor, the Scorpio is equally at home over-the-shoulder or in a mobile rig.

Like the 788T, the Scorpio has an internal SSD and adds the ability to simultaneously record to two SD cards for redundancy. For additional flexibility, sound professionals can send different files to their choice of media.

The companion SD-Remote application allows for control of the Scorpio via a large display. It's Android-only right now, but an iOS release is planned for the future.

The Scorpio is powered with two L-series batteries or via either of two redundant TA4F power inputs.

Scorpio incorporates an ultra-powerful engine comprised of three FPGA circuits and six ARM processors to deliver the horsepower needed for the most complex tasks. FPGA-based audio processing with 64-bit data paths ensures the highest sound quality and reliability.

Here's the spiel once more if you don't feel like scrolling up: The Scorpio is expected to be available second quarter 2019. Initial supply may be limited and orders will be delivered strictly first-come, first-served, so place your $500 nonrefundable pre-order now to get yours as soon as possible. It's available both as a stand-alone item or in a convenient bundle:

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