
  • NAB 2013 - Sound Devices


    Sound Devices' Jesse Parker and Pat McConnell demonstrate a new kit, a new cable, and some new PIX accessories for NAB 2013                             

  • NAB 2013 - Radio Active Designs


    Esteemed frequency coordinator James Stoffo presents Radio Active Designs' new wireless intercom system.                            

  • NAB 2013 - Professional Sound Corporation


    Ron Meyer from Professional Sound Corporation shows new products.                            

  • Sound Devices PIX 260i Demo with Paul Isaacs


    On March 14th, 2013, Paul Isaacs, Technical Development Manager for Sound Devices, joined Gotham for a terrific evening demonstrating the brand new PIX 260i

  • Time Code Sync Box Comparison Chart


    If you like your time code sync box comparison in chart form, here's a handy one from Cory Allen! Are you getting all the framerates you need?

  • First Look: Betso SBOX-1


    The Betso SBOX-1 Time Code Generator is on its way. How does it stack up against the rest of the field? See Justin F. Valis's review!

  • Mod a Mac Mini for DC Power


    The talented Alex Rastopchin has modified a Mac Mini to accept DC power, making it into an excellent addition to your cart. See Cory Allen demo it or check out the instructions below the fold to try it yourself (or give us a call and we'll do it for you!)

  • Better Know a Gothamite: Sal Barra


    Have you ever wondered what motivates a particular staff member at Gotham to strive so hard to bring you the very best in audio solutions? Then you're going to love this brand new series of casual interviews! First up: the man who puts the "sal" in "sales", Sal Barra!

  • The Video of the Sound of Nurse Jackie


    Jan McLaughlin, Production Sound Mixer, and Steve Borne, Supervising Sound EditorJan McLaughlin, Production Sound Mixer, and Steve Borne, Supervising Sound Editor, take you behind the scenes of the audio for Showtime's hit show Nurse Jackie.
