ATL Ease, Soldiers

ATL Ease, Soldiers

The Atlanta Mixer Mixer weekend is coming up fast! It's always a delightful time and a great opportunity for Atlanta's excellent sound community to come together and we're excited to see all of you.

Sunday, November 5th from 10:00am to 5:00pm at the IATSE 479 assembly hall (4220 International Parkway, Suite 100) is the main event with manufacturers, dealers, gear, door prizes, and refreshments! Gotham Sound will be there, of course, plus the good people of DPA Microphones, Lectrosonics, Orca, Production Sound Solutions, Remote Audio, Sound Devices, Timecode Systems, Trew Audio, and Zaxcom!

Let us know if there's any gear in particular for which you'd like to see a demo and we'll see if we can make it happen!

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